Friday, February 03, 2006

So It Begins.

Here's my first blog. And what am I going to go on about? Well, mainly how bloody hard I found it setting this thing up I guess. In fact, I still don't know if I'm doing it right. If I am I know I'll regret this being my first post. If I'm not doing it right - Yippee! - I won't look back on this and shake my head in self disgust.

Now on a quick side note, whot he hell am I? Lexxie Couper. Erotic Romance author, full time mum and wife, proud dog owner, part-time teacher. There is much more to me and, as this blog progresses I'll spill the beans . If indeed I have worked out how to create it in the first place!



Blogger Lexxie Couper said...

Ramble I shall, Robin! Ta muchly! *grin*

10:39 pm  

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