Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I have a very good friend (well, I have a few, actually) who writes erotica as only an Aussie can. She's been a bit of a mentor to me for quite some time now - in fact, the very first book I ever wrote Voluptua tore to shreds.... but in a nice way. If it wasn't for her I probably would have given up the whole writer's dream years ago. Anyway, Voluptua has released a collection of short stories called Wild Honey and I just want to brag a little... you know, bask in the reflected glory type thing *grin*... Tammy, over at FallenAngelReveiws has awarded (and quite rightly so) Wild Honey FIVE ANGELS!! http://www.fallenangelreviews.com/2006/February/Tammy-WildHoney.htm

If you want a very good time (both sexually, sensually and humorously) I can't recomend Voluptua's work enough!!



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