Saturday, January 20, 2007

A New Object of Lust

Well, not so much a new one.... but after having a Colin Firth-A-Thon last night (Love Actually, Bridget Jones's Diary I and II and Fever Pitch) I've realised he reeeeeeeally needs to be at the top of my Lust-List (a very decadent and wholly shameful list of men I'd do wicked things to at the drop of a hat).

There are two reasons: One - he is drop dead, utterly gorgeous
Two - he looks just like my husband (and I'm not exaggerating! If Colin Firth was Spanish and had a goatee, he could be mistaken for my husband...)

So, there you go. Colin Firth. The most gorgeous, sexy and utterly oh-my-God-I want-to-do-wicked-things-to-him man on the planet.

That's all.


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